
Make the 8BitCADE XL

Start building your very own game console with our step by step tutorial! Get your project kit and toolkit ready - It’s time to show them what being a MAKER is all about!

Start Making!
  • Make

    8BitCADE XL

    Visual Parts Guide

    The Make Tutorial has everything you need to build and learn, but if you would like to print printout a visual parts guide to help you along the way, you can find it through the link below
  • Make

    8BitCADE XL

    Parts Dictionary

    The Parts Dictionary runs through all of the parts in the project kits and how they make the console work properly


  • Installing Arduino

    8BitCADE XL

    Before You Start

    Before you start you need to have Arduino installed. Arduino is the IDE that we will use to talk to our gaming console. Arduino is made up of two popular languages – C and C++. What the Arduino IDE is, is a platform for us to write and upload code in. IDE stands for integrated development environment. The below video will walk you through how to install the Arduino IDE and set it up for your 8BitCADE console.

    Please wait for tutorial to load

  • Introduction to the

    8BitCADE XL

    Programming in Arduino

    This tutorial should be the first tutorial that you take. It will teach you everything from programming basics in Arduino to setting up and programming your 8BitCADE XL Console.

    Follow this tutorial before beginning any of the other 8BitCADE XL Tutorials!

  • Set Up the

    8BitCADE XL

    Library and Board Setup

    This tutorial is crucial to set up your 8BitCADE XL since it utilizes the ARDUBOY library. This tutorial guides you through the setup, including both the board setup and the library setup
  • Learn

    8BitCADE XL

    Code Programs and Games!

    It’s time to get started with the programming! Make sure you have completed the above tutorials in the LEARN section before continuing.

    Check out our tutorials that range from simple programs like a calculator to complex games!


  • Game

    8BitCADE XL

    Before You Start

    Before we start, it’s crucial that we understand what we are getting into. The below video explains the difference between both .hex files and .ino files. Topics such as why we use them, what they are and how we can use them to program our 8BitCADE.

    Please wait for tutorial to load

  • Game

    8BitCADE XL

    Arduino Load

    If you want to install your games using the .INO file format, you will need to follow the video below. This video will walk you through how to install Arduino, download games, and load using the Arduino IDE

    Below is the installer and the video.

  • Game

    8BitCADE XL

    HEX Load

    If you want to install your games using the HEX file format, you will need to follow the below video. This video will walk you through how to install the loader and use it!

    Below is the installer and the video


  • Code

    8BitCADE XL

    Battery Check

    The code below should be uploaded to your 8BitCADE console while you charge it. It will show you a live voltage reading of your battery with and indicator, so you know when the device is fully charged. The device will beep when fully charged to ensure you do not overcharge the battery.
  • Code

    8BitCADE XL

    Hardware Test

    The code below should be uploaded to your 8BitCADE console while you charge it. It will show you a live voltage reading of your battery with and indicator, so you know when the device is fully charged. The device will beep when fully charged to ensure you do not overcharge the battery.
  • Extra Resources

    8BitCADE XL

    Reprogramming The Bootloader

    This tutorial covers how to reprogram the bootloader, Please note the Bootloader is preinstalled on your arduino. Only use these tutorials if you accidently alter or damage the bottloader and need to reprogram it.

  • Creating a Flash cart of Games andFlashing The Memory Chip

    This tutorial covers how to create your own flash cart of games and flash them to the memory chip. Please note the memory chip comes pre installed with over 200+ games. this tutorial allows you to edit, add and remove games from the 8BitCADE Loader.

  • Extra Resources

    8BitCADE XL

    Creating a Game Image

    The tutorial below will take you through what a flashcart is, how to create one, and how to upload it to your new console. This allows you to create your very own 8BitCADE loader and add your own title screens, games, and more!

  • Schematic

    8BitCADE XL

    8BitCADE XL Schematic

    Below is the schematic for the latest 8BitCADE XL board. This page will constantly be updated with any updates or adjustments that we make to the board.